Monday, February 27, 2012


So, it has been....WAY TOO LONG since I have tended to this lovely blog. I could go back and catch all 5 of you up, but that sounds boring for all parties included. How about I just pick up like there wasn't a huge gap, sound good? K perfect
This past weekend I had the most wonderful pleasure of being a bride's maid in my dear friend Kim's wedding!

(Kim and Me)
I have known Kim since college. She was a junior when I was a freshman. We both played soccer and oddly enough, were from the same area and never knew it! Ha! Over the years, Kim and I have remained great friends so needless to say, I was more than exicted to be there with her on her special day. And to top it off, I know she found an amazing guy to spend her life with!! I knew very little about Ryan when they first met. Not long after they started dating, I went to a Cardinal game with them and I knew in that 3 hours that I spent with them, that he was a keeper. He has an amazing sense of humor and an even more amazing heart! Seeing her so happy for the past year has warmed my soul!! Getting to spend her special day with her was an honor for me! Not only did she look amazing, she was beaming with happiness! Ryan himself looked over joyed!! It really was a very special day!

On top of getting to be a part of Kim's special day, that meant I get to spend the evening with these ladies! Well most of them anway! I can't think of anything I would rather do than spend an evening with some of my oldest friends!! I went to college with most of these girls and we have been having a blast ever since! Somtimes I think we forget that we are not in college any more, even though between the girls in this group there are 7 children under the age of 2. That is what their daddies are for right?!?! I look forward to every gathering that we have...especially a wedding!! Nothing is more fun than a Murray wedding!!!!! And that is what we had on Saturday. It was a blast...counting down the days until our St. Patrick's Day/Madness Party!!! GO RACERS!!!!!!!!!!!

While I would like to say that this weekend ended with Kim and Ryan heading to the beach for their honeymoon, they recieved some sad news. Ryan's dad suddenly passed away this morning. I don't know details I just know how sad I am for one of my greatest friends. For anyone that reads this, please keep this amazing family in your thoughts and prayers. From what I knew of him, he was such a nice man and will be greatly missed.

But, I will say one more time, Congratulations to this wonderful couple and can't wait to see what the future holds for them! Hopefully lots of babies!!!

Aren't the so cute?!??!! A vision of true happiness!!

Unitl next time,

Eat, Drink, and be Mary!

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