Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Wow, I have been out of the loop for the past week! I could go on with the most random blog of all time but I will spare everyone and make it the SECOND most random blog of all time! Ha! This past holiday weekend, I took a couple extra days off work to head to Columbus, OH for a wedding! It was nice to spend a weekend with someone special during a very special time for him and his family! It was a BLAST! I always find it hard when I am at weddings, not to look back on other weddings I have been to and find similarities and differences...make mental notes for myself should that day ever come;) What I find amazing is how exhausting weddings are! Most people say it is the most special day of your life. is the most special THREE days in most cases! I know for my sister's wedding, as well as many others I have been a part of, there is the Welcome BBQ for out of towners and long lost family. Then, on to the rehearsal dinner! Not to mention everything that goes on the day of the rehearsal, nails, luncheons and stuff like that. I feel like by the time the wedding rolls around, the whole point of the weekend, I am wiped out and ready to go through detox. But never fear, I am always ready to enjoy the festivities of the day! Weddings really are a wonderful thing! But, clearly the people of India have it right, they acknowledge the three days of celebration and embrace it! Take note:) It was a beautiful day for a beautiful couple and I wish them nothing but the happiest life ever!!

To go along with weddings, I would like to say a HUGE CONGRATS to pretty much ALL of my friends! There have been so many wonderful things happening for them; weddings, babies, more babies, engagements, new houses, new homes and adventures. I would like to say that they are all amazing and deserve NOTHING but the best in life and I am so happy that I have been able to be around to see all the joy you guys are experiencing! For those that follow my blog (which I know is not many);) You guys are the best and I love you!!

Until Next Time,
Eat, Drink, and be Mary

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